University of Warsaw
The University of Warsaw, the largest and top-ranked university in Poland, Polish leader in implementing R&D projects, has scientific expertise in multiple fields: social and economic sciences, mathematical and computer sciences, chemistry and biology as well as research strengthening the sustainability of the food system.
Competences & Capabilities
Main areas of research and development expertise in the field of food are:
- Research on consumer behaviour combined analysis in psychology, sociology, social anthropology, marketing and economics;
- Regulatory frameworks for the food industry;
- Operations and strategic management in FMCG sector;
- Corporate Social Responsibility in the food sector;
- Big data analytics;
- Assessment of biological and chemical hazards and food spoilage;
- Research on food ingredients and nutrient biofortification of food crops.
Partner in the following EIT Food projects
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EIT Food announces the results of the call for expression of interest to participate in EIT Food RIS Consumer Engagement Labs project from March 2023.

New Product Development Training "NPD Skills"
2023 > 2024
Learn through experience
Using future farming technology to transform pork production
Proofs of concepts help to determine whether an idea, a specific concept or approach when turned into reality would bring societal impact as envisioned.
Using rapeseed protein to produce dairy alternatives

Professional Development Framework
2020 > 2022
EIT Food’s Professional Development Framework aims to provide a key resource for the food sector by creating an integrated approach to develop a skilled, innovative workforce.

EIT Food RIS Fellowships
2018 > 2025
The Activity Line is divided into 2 complementary programmes – RIS Fellowships dedicated to Bachelor graduates, Master of Science students and graduates and RIS Talents dedicated to Ph.D. students and postdocs from EIT RIS countries which…

The “EIT Food School Network” third year activities are focused on the organisation of four stakeholder workshops (school staff, key organisations involved in regulating schools, academics and policy makers). Due to the current…
The Smart Tags communication project is set to increase consumer trust towards food products by sharing information about the food product value chain during the whole life-cycle of the product, enabling novel service concepts and…
EIT Food Government Executive Academy brings together public sector representatives from 22 RIS countries, researchers working in the field of agrifood innovations from industry, academia and European institutions.

SmartFoodLogging (SFL)
2018 > 2019
In the fight against chronic diet-related diseases it is the EU food and health system organization’s aim to improve consumers’ food literacy. Food education in a form of professional personalised advice is more trusted and accepted by…
EIT Food’s Professional Development Framework aims to provide a key resource for the food sector by creating an integrated approach to develop a skilled, innovative workforce.

RIS Public Sector Representatives Activity Line
2021 > 2022
Capacity building and education for the public sector
Connecting publicly funded agrifood research infrastructure to the market.
Application for 2022 is now OPEN!

Master in Food Systems
2019 > 2024
Develop in-depth knowledge about food systems through studying consecutively at three distinct European academic institutions and use your knowledge to drive the future transformation of the food system.

Inspire Programme
2021 > 2025
Boost your skills, drive change and do business in the agrifood sector!

The project will provide information on how the corona crisis will lead to changes in consumer behaviour.

WeValueFood 2020
2019 > 2020
WeValueFood (2-year project) has educated, engaged and advanced the young Europeans’ knowledge of and appreciation of food, thereby empowering the next generations to make the best choices about the food that they eat.
Healthy eating in childhood tracks into adulthood, so promoting dietary variety should begin early.
The training brings together 40 professionals from different backgrounds and countries, who will have an opportunity to gain knowledge of the tools, techniques, and methodologies used in the process of new product development in the food…
Creating smarter and simpler food value chains across Europe requires an infrastructure and capacity to stimulate and support innovation and entrepreneurship.
Co-creating initiatives to increase consumer trust in food

2019 > 2020
To create smarter and simpler food value chains across Europe we need to develop both infrastructure and capacity which stimulate and supports
innovation and entrepreneurship.

RIS Consumer Engagement Labs
2019 > 2023
Consumer Engagement Labs are pre-competitive co-creation sessions carried out by a group of consumers (selected based on specific segmentation criteria) in a joint place and limited in time, focused on ideation and development of new…
EIT Food RIS Solutions is aimed at engaging student groups with multi-disciplinary backgrounds, from RIS countries and of all educational levels, to work jointly on problem cases responding to agrifood challenges in RIS countries.

Games of Food
2019 > 2020
Games of Food is increasing public awareness around balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle through the use of Escape games.
Consumers are looking for convenience. This is reflected in the growth of food e-delivery. However, the extra traffic causes problems in dense populated areas and has a high impact on the environment (CO2, particulate matter,….).
Mycotoxins can significantly reduce food quality, especially in wheat production.
The major objectives are to look for, evaluate and to select processing tomato cultivars best adapted to RIS northern countries.

Intellectual property is your company’s lifeblood. Learn what you need to do to safeguard it

Consumer Engagement Labs
2019 > 2022
Consumer Engagement Labs are pre-competitive co-creation sessions carried out by a group of consumers (selected based on specific segmentation criteria) in a joint place and limited in time, focused on ideation and development of new…

2018 > 2023
Insights used to enhance consumer trust in the food value chain.
Ageing is a natural part of life, but who says ageing can’t be healthy? Food and nutrition play a key role in ensuring health and wellbeing extends to all ages, and here we spotlight some of the key solutions across Europe.
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From discussions about sustainable packaging, to the future of the EU-Green Deal, and not forgetting the newest topic of pet food, EIT Food’s community dived into multiple conversations across their Edinburgh conference.

Regenerative Agriculture Guidebook for Dairy Farms
June 17, 2024
Welcome to the ultimate resource for regenerative agriculture on dairy farms! Whether you're an experienced farmer or just starting out, our comprehensive guidebook is your key to transforming your farming practices and ensuring a…
Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) have become a contentious topic in nutritional science and public health, igniting debates due to varying definitions, advice, and information. Here we explore the impacts of UPFs, consumer perceptions,…

Study of 19,642 consumers across 18 European countries shows a decline in trust in food sector actors such as manufacturers, authorities, retailers and farmersOnly a third of consumers believe the food they eat is sustainable.

New study of nearly 10,000 consumers across 17 European countries finds the majority of consumers think ultra-processed foods are bad for their health.
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An EIT Food funded project transformed organic waste streams into, a valuable, next generation sustainable aquaculture feed ingredient called METAFEED Alpha.

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An EIT Food funded project adapted recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) technology for fish production to create a water treatment solution that cleans and recycles water. It does this with zero-discharge to maintain the welfare and…

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An EIT Food funded project utilised a novel cutting-edge technology to harness the power of clean energy sources and natural carbon dioxide (CO₂) for the cultivation of microalgae as a sustainable source of ingredients for the aquafeed…
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An EIT Food funded project converted aquaculture organic waste streams into sustainable, algal-based microencapsulated feeds for bivalve shellfish.

Welcome to our new partners to the EIT Food South Community!
April 20, 2020
We send a warm welcome to our new partners who are now joining the EIT Food Community: 6 Core Partners, 4 Network Partners and 2 associate partners. Each of these organisations brings considerable expertise and experience to support our…

Consumer Observatory
2023 > 2025
Europe’s central hub for consumer insights on agrifood topics.