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About our community

We are the world’s largest and most dynamic food innovation community. Collaboration is central to all our work, which spans the whole food value chain, and is vital to meet the big challenges we face. Together with our community, we are building an innovative and resilient food system that in turn creates a healthier society and planet.

317 startups
127 partners
47 countries
3 offices

The EIT Food community


Our partner network is made up of a consortium of key industry players, businesses, research centres and universities from across Europe.


We unlock innovation potential and scale agrifood startups to bring new technologies and products to market.


There are many different EIT Food activities helping us build a better food system for Europe. Browse our projects to find out more!

Join the community

Join our dynamic and diverse European community committed to building a strong food system that is better for everyone.

We create connections right across the food system that stimulate new ideas and innovation to drive change.


FoodHIVE is our online membership platform where those in the EIT Food community, such as universities, research institutes, industry, start-ups and students, can connect and share with each other.

Through FoodHIVE, members exchange ideas, get mentorship, implement projects and share knowledge.

FoodHIVE facilitates collaboration and provides a unique space for members to join groups, share news, attend events and more.

Discover more

EIT Food is proud to be part of the EIT Community, a collaborative network formed by the EIT’s Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs).
EIT Food RIS aims at strengthening regions in Europe which are modest and moderate in terms of innovation in the agrifood sector.
Discover the teams in place across Europe to support different regions and countries.