Separating MycOtoxin-contaminated Wheat grains using Precision Farming technologies
Mycotoxins can significantly reduce food quality, especially in wheat production.
Fusarium graminearum and F. culmorum are the major origins of mycotoxin contamination. Producers, so far have no methodology to determine mycotoxin contamination of grains before harvest. Imaging sensor technologies including digital image analysis will be developed in this project to quantify Fusarium infestations in wheat fields shortly before harvest. Infestation rate will be correlated to mycotoxin contents in the grain. The camera will be carried on UAVs to create infestation maps. The output of the project is to generate georeferenced maps of contaminated (above threshold) and non-contaminated (below threshold) areas of wheat fields and use this information for intelligent machine path planning and in field logistics with the aim to achieve site-specific harvesting of grains for food (non-contaminated areas) and bio-energy use (e.g. ethanol). Contractors will offer this service to wheat growers.