Insights used to enhance consumer trust in the food value chain.
The EIT Food TrustTracker® is an annual evidenced-based questionnaire that measures consumer trust in the European food system, and is an important first step towards understanding this gap. It provides valuable insights that are used to enhance consumer trust in the food value chain.
Through surveys, the TrustTracker® measures European consumers' trust in the food system, their confidence in the integrity of food products, and their motivations and intentions towards eating a healthier diet. Based on scientific insights, a model for measuring consumer trust was developed by EIT Food partners University of Reading (project lead), the European Food Information Council (EUFIC), Aarhus University, KU Leuven, and the University of Warsaw. This evidence-based tool looks at differences within countries and by actors.
The data is tracked annually from 2018 to monitor developments and compare trust levels over time. When trust is higher, European consumers are more confident in their food and the technologies with which these have been produced.
TrustTracker® is now part of the Consumer Observatory, Europe’s central hub for consumer insights on agrifood topics.