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The EIT Food Trust Report 2020

The Trust Report 2020 maps European consumers’ trust in the food value chain by country and over time using validated measurement scales

30 Sep 2022

The Trust Report 2020 maps European consumers’ trust in the food value chain by country and over time using validated measurement scales - including beliefs about the competency, care and openness of its actors, and confidence in the integrity of food products (authenticity, health, safety, sustainability and taste). It combines quantitative and qualitative data.

The study reveals that all parts of the food system are more trusted than not by European consumers, but there is considerable variation. Consistently, farmers are most trusted – overall 67% of the European consumers asked in 2020 said they trust them, compared to just 13% expressing lack of trust. Retailers come next – overall 53% trust them vs 20% that don’t. Then authorities (playing a regulatory role in the food system), which are trusted by slightly more people than food manufacturers – 47% vs 46% overall (but a higher number also lack trust in them at 29% vs 26%).

The TrustTracker® is an evidence-based, peer reviewed research that maps European consumers' trust in the food value chain over time. It also includes key insights into their beliefs about the competency, care and openness of actors in the food system, and their confidence in the integrity of food products. Almost 20,000 consumers from 18 European countries were surveyed for this report.

The qualitative study engaged with individuals across Europe to better understand citizens’ needs, wants, perceptions, intentions, questions, concerns and ideas around food products and the food system. The insights featured in the report were drawn from two qualitative studies undertaken at the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020, covering 12 countries in total.

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