Part One: Business basics and business models
Part One deals with basic terminology and core business concepts. Detailed consideration of the monetization models and pricing. A separate part of the module is devoted to business models, their types and the construction of Lean & Business Model Canvas.
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Модуль 1 Business Model Canvas
Business Models
Entrepreneurs must find and realize value, but also reinvent it over time. About aspects of value, emotional value. About the need to know your personality (education, where you live, how old you are, gender, age, profession, lifestyle, purchasing power, needs, habits)
The user is often not equal to the buyer - different business models. Value Proposition Canvas. How to find value? How to communicate value? Geoff Moore’s Value Positioning Statement.
Product Market_Fit
Entrepreneurs must find and realize value, but also reinvent it over time. About aspects of value, emotional value. About the need to know your personality (education, where you live, how old you are, gender, age, profession, lifestyle, purchasing power, needs, habits)
The user is often not equal to the buyer - different business models. Value Proposition Canvas. How to find value? How to communicate value? Geoff Moore’s Value Positioning Statement.
Customer research
NIHITO or get out of the building immediately principle! When to start customer research? Interview matrix: hypothesis - questions - answers - patterns and insights. What is important during an interview? About NPS (Net Promoter Score). Field and ethnographic research in real user environments. What does A/B testing enable? Win-Loss analysis.
Lean Canvas
Examples of Lean Canvas. What is customer discovery? How to work with hypotheses?
How to decide on the hypothesis testing methodology? What is MVP (Minimum Viable Product)?
The process of creating a cool product is testing and validating hypotheses with your users.
B2B Business model
B2B business model. Value, user and monetization in the B2b model. Main features of B2B. The simple and clear value of the B2B model. Examples of B2B.
B2B model
EN What is the inherent value of the B2B business model? B2B is of great value to large companies.
B2C model
Value, user and monetization in the B2C model. Main features of B2C. B2C products can have viral growth. Examples of B2C.
Business models
Types of business models. All the main ways of making money in online business, startups and ordinary business. Examples of B2B, B2b, B2C, Marketplace, B2G models.
Price and pricing
Pricing. How to price your product, service or subscription in your startup? Pricing=experiments. Pricing principles. An example of pricing in AXDDRAFT