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A total of 310 items found. Showing 310 items on page 22 of 26.
Hereby, we announce EIT Food Government Executive Academy – Edition 2021. The Academy is a special advisory and capability building program, that offers insights into challenges related to food system innovations, Research and Innovation…
EIT Food is looking for universities (public or non-public higher education institutes) that would participate in EIT Food RIS Consumer Engagement Labs 2021 activity. Applications are invited from countries: Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia,…
Α podcast series to enhance knowledge and overcome current barriers to tackle water scarcity in Southern Europe!
It is a great pleasure for us to inform that our EIT Food CLC North-East and CLC South have selected organisations to perform the role of EIT Food Hubs during the period in 2021-2023/
The call for host organization to join the EIT Food RIS Fellowships 2021 is open by the 26th of February!
Italy was one of the first European countries to be hard hit by COVID-19.
Spain is one of the countries most impacted by the coronavirus, which has had a significant impact on food service and tourism, two areas making up a significant share of the national economy.
EIT Food presents 10 agrifood female - led startups from Eastern and Southern Europe that will pursue their entrepreneurial journey thanks to 75.000 euro in Prizes from the EWA (Empowering Women in Agrifood programme).
The development of alternative proteins has emerged as one of the main fields of food innovation in Europe. But, are consumers ready to introduce new or unfamiliar food products into their diets? What do industry and innovation centres…
Dairy is a fantastic source of nutrients but from farm to spoon it remains depletive to the planet. What if we could create a dairy-based yoghurt that is regenerative for the environment and the people involved?
EIT Food announces the first edition of the Italian Journalism Award on Food Innovation and Sustainability.
Reaching to more than 120 viewers, EIT Food held on December 15, the online event Origen 4.0 that gathered important agrifood actors with the porpuse of revitalising tradional farming.

EIT Food press releases & other news

EIT Food is a pan-European organisation with headquarters in Leuven, Belgium, and regional offices in different locations. Find the one nearest to you and share your ideas with us to co-create the future food system.