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EIT Food is involved in different initiatives with the participation of people with diverse backgrounds. Position papers, whitepapers and reports are some of the results of these initiatives, which you can find in this page.

A total of 49 items found. Showing 49 items on page 3 of 5.

Consumer perceptions of effective and credible Green Claims

October 01, 2022
How do consumers feel about green claims, otherwise known as ‘environmental claims’ or ‘eco-friendly claims’?

Eating fewer animal products: Which policy ideas are acceptable to consumers?

October 01, 2022
To what extent do consumers expect proposed policy measures to be fair and effective?

The EIT Food Trust Report 2020

September 30, 2022
The Trust Report 2020 maps European consumers’ trust in the food value chain by country and over time using validated measurement scales

Consumer trust in the food chain: exploring barriers and motivations

September 29, 2022
This study helps us gain a deeper understanding of consumer attitudes towards the food chain, particularly the role trust plays in that relationship.

Report on controlled environment agriculture

September 28, 2022
In this report – published by EIT Food North-West and in collaboration with Innovate UK KTN - we explore the barriers and opportunities for controlled environment agriculture in urban, semi-rural and rural areas in North-West Europe.

Report on unmet needs of SME's in North-West Europe

August 05, 2022
Insights that represent the voices of thousands of agrifood SMEs in the UK, Ireland and Iceland reveal the unmet needs of SMEs and how the agrifood industry can maximise business support and impact.

Creating consumer demand for food from algae

July 22, 2022
This study is part of the Citizen Participation Forum where the perception of algae as a food, experience of eating algae and algae-based products were discussed, and how algae could play a role in making the food system more sustainable.

Open Consultation on a Legislative Framework for Sustainable Food Systems – EIT Food Position Paper

July 21, 2022
EIT Food welcomes the opportunity to provide input for this landmark initiative of the European Commission. As the EU’s leading food innovation initiative, EIT Food would like to stress the critical role that open and inclusive innovation…

Europeans doubt about net benefit of instant grocery delivery services

July 01, 2022
Are grocery delivery services going to stick with consumers?

Whitepaper on Sustainable Agriculture

June 03, 2022
In this paper - published by EIT Food Central - we review some of the most promising solutions that not only support a transition to more sustainable agriculture but also help European farmers in meeting the sustainability targets set out…

Consumer perceptions on carbon farming

June 01, 2022
To what extent is there consumer interest in produce of carbon farming?

Consumer perceptions on agriculture

June 01, 2022
The aim of this Consumer Observatory study is to learn how consumers think and feel about four agricultural methods: indoor (vertical), precision, organic and regenerative. Furthermore, in this study we aimed to learn about the importance…