Black to the future - biochar and compost as soil amendment
Reducing desertification, improving soils and increasing carbon sequestration through biological charcoal (biochar) and compost
Black To the Future aims at reducing desertification, improving soils and increasing carbon sequestration and yields quality through an advanced mix of biological charcoal (biochar) and compost obtained from agricultural residues in a circular economy network where farmers are feedstock producers and product end users. Compost and Biochar co-maturation will lead to“CB mix” a product compliant to the new fertiliser directive, designed to improve soil properties, especially drought resistance, nutrient retention and therefore beneficial for yields quality and quantity. Black to the future will target relevant crops such as grapevine, olive and pomegranate groves in areas at risk of desertification. These crops produce significant amounts of clippings and biowaste on their postharvest management. These will be the material links to a participatory network where farmers and agro-industry will be able to supply the CB mix production and will be involved and rewarded through an innovative bio-deposit-return scheme. This will be demonstrated along with improved soil properties in our demonstration fields where the next farmers generation such as high school students, farmers’ daughters and sons and all end users will see first-hand the land application process and related techniques, plant growth results and will learn how to achieve an effective carbon sequestration and storage and to be enrolled in the first ranks to mitigate climate change.