Circular local networks
Circular local hubs are the communities built in specific regions consisting of restaurant owners, local producers, institutions, green urban areas, governmental institutions and equipment producers.
Building resilience by integrating resources and knowledge
A tactic for building resilience (a strategy for the future and increasing teh potential for survival on the market) is to strenghten food service and food production entities by cooperating qwith other sectors participating in the supply chain and changing the perception of the product to circular product - operating in a full cycle acting from head to tail.
There are already companies in the world that are aware of the importance of actions carried out with the idea of the circular economy, integration of recources, and are already seeing the positive results of the changes they had imtroduced. Sharing your ideas and good practices will help other entities make the necessary changes faster, more effectively and in collaborative models.
Good practices Inspiration Kit
Meet the case studies from restaurants, cafeterias and companies from Nordics and Poland
Get to know the idea of Circular Local Networks and the effects that they can bring
See how you can engage in creating Circular Local Networks
Would you like to engage?
If you are interested in cooperation, please contact Ewa Rzeszowska at