DouxMatok has developed a platform of technologies making flavour delivery more efficient, allowing for sugar-based sugar reduction with no after-tastes. Our Incredo™ sugars facilitate a reduction over 40% while providing 100% sweetness, great delights and better nutrition in applications such as baked goods, chocolates, spreads and cereal bars. DouxMatok is scaling up production in Europe with SuedZucker and in the USA with NA partners and will commercialise as of Q2 2019.
Competences & capabilities
DouxMatok is primarily an R&D company. We develop reformulations and NPD capabilities working with partners to reduce sugars in their products and improve nutritional value. While scaling up to commercialise our generation 1 products, we are working on the next generation of our products that will be clean label, organic and cover salt and other flavours. We’re also working on adapting our technologies so that they are effective in beverages.