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End-to-end digitalised production test beds

Supporting the implementation of end to end production testbeds in order to foster the adoption of digital solutions by the food industry and increase the competitiviness of the sector.


This is a cross-KIC activity, coordinated by EIT Manufacturing, in which EIT Food is involved together with EIT Digital and EIT Raw Materials. 

The main goal of this activity is fostering the adoption of digital solutions such as artificial intelligence (AI) and 5G by the European industry to remain competitive.

This project has been designed to support the establishment of innovative end-to-end, customer-centric testbeds for the food and beverage sector, covering the whole product life cycle. 

The demonstration of digital transformation, leveraging technologies such as AI and 5G, will highlight the benefits of digitalisation with regards to food waste and loss, production efficiency and supply chain management, among others.

In the longer-term, we hope that this will encourage a larger number of SMEs from various sectors to adopting digital manufacturing solutions.


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Project lead

Carmen Galindo3 2
Carmen Galindo EIT Food South

Regional Key Account Manager