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Feel Local Italy | Workshop

EIT Food FEEL LOCAL: enhancing local production underpins the enhancement of professional agricultural skills

Sat, January 18, 2025
GODINA Classroom, Department of Veterinary Science Largo Braccini 2, Grugliasco & Online

EIT Food for technology transfer in the Italian ecosystem of innovation

The objective of the workshop, is to develop tools and professional skills for operators in the agrifood supply chain, discuss critical issues in the sector and strategies for improvement and growth of the supply chain, to promote best agricultural and management practices, such as circular economy circular economy and animal welfare, as well as develop efficient marketing and communication strategies for the valorisation of products and by-products through theoretical-practical inputs and theoretical-practical inputs and knowledge exchange activities.

All participants will have the opportunity to discuss the main challenges of their business directly with industry experts and academics. In addition, the operation of a multistakeholders' digital platform developed to strengthen communication and promotion of local products between farmers, retailers and consumers.

The workshop is promoted by the Department of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Turin, and funded by EIT Food.


  • 8.45 - 9.00 | Saluti e presentazione progetto
  • 9.00 - 9.15 | Produrre locale e produrre il locale. Strategie, pratiche e rappresentazioni
  • 9.20 - 9.35 | Creare ponti tra il consumatore e il produttore. L’esperienza Agrobridges
  • 9.40 - 9.45 | Agricolus: sfide e approcci alla sostenibilità nel settore agroalimentare
  • 10.00 - 10.15 | Mi racconto dunque sono: l’importanza del digital storytelling nella valorizzazione della propria realtà
  • 10.20 - 10.35 | L'Alveare che dice Sì! - Verso un sistema alimentare più giusto
  • Coffee break
  • 10.50 - 11.00 | Storia, cambiamento e crescita: come siamo diventati Corbusier
  • 11.05 - 11.15 | Allevamento " free range" e filiera corta, l'esempio di Cascina Losetta
  • 11.20 - 11.35 | Promuovere la trasparenza della filiera alimentare attraverso esperienze digitali. Un esempio pratico
  • 11.40 - 11.55 | Caratteristiche igienico-sanitarie, biosicurezza e benessere animale nella produzione rurale: cosa ci dice la normativa di settore
  • 12.00 - 12.30 | Discussione e verifica

** The event will be held in Italian

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