The moments that made 2023: A year in food systems transformation
From startups selling the first 3D-printed food and the EU licensing insects for human consumption to the Food and Agriculture Organisation’s worldwide roadmap for change and 134 countries championing the Emirates Declaration on sustainable agriculture at COP28, 2023 has undoubtedly been a big year for food systems transformation.
Change in our food systems is urgently needed to create healthier lives for all and develop a net-zero food system that is fair and resilient. To be part of that change, apply to our Impact Funding Framework.
The focus for food systems change
The EIT Food community is at the centre of this change, driving forward innovation and knowledge to create healthier lives for all and develop a net-zero food system that is fair and resilient.
This year’s COP28 conference in Dubai marked a major event in this journey, as the Food System Pavilion programme focused on seven key areas in food systems change:
- Advancing protein diversification
- Enhancing nutrition and health for all
- Reducing food loss and waste
- Embracing regenerative agriculture
- Boosting soil health
- Protecting food and water systems
- Small-scale producers and pastoralists
Fresh from this major event, we decided to look back at the moments that have shaped food systems change in these key areas throughout 2023:

Big moments for food systems change in 2023
EU launches €1 billion protein diversification initiative
Soil health enters EU law for first time
UN Water Conference brings together 8,000 delegates to address urgent need to protect water sources across agrifood sector
United Nations Environmental Programme launches the "Finance for Soil Health" initiative to mobilise financial resources
EIT Food announces investment into agrifood startups including €500,000 in Green Spot Technologies
EIT Food signs EU Mission Soil Manifesto signalling need to improve soil health
EU sets out legally binding food waste targets for first time
Aleph Farms make Europe’s first cultivated meat approval submission
#StopTheWaste campaign launched to reduce food waste by the World Food Programme
The FAO World Food Day 2023 focuses on taking action to protect our freshwater systems
Global launch of the EIT Food Policy Brief “Accelerating Protein Diversification for Europe"
At COP28 leading organisations commit to transform +160 million hectares to regenerative landscapes, with investment of $2.2 billion
What does 2024 have in store?
We took big leaps forward in food systems change in 2023, and next year will be no different.
As the world’s largest food innovation community, we continue to raise awareness of the need for change within the food system to deliver a net zero food system that is healthy, fair and resilient.
Got an idea for change? Help us to create a more sustainable food system.
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