Science Communication and Public Engagement
Discover the importance of public engagement in science and learn techniques to share and raise awareness of your research.
The course focuses on:
- Why is science communication important?
- Defining a message and the intended audience
- Going from the message to a story
- Small-scale public science dissemination events
- The relationship between scientists and journalists
Who should join the course:
- Scientists and researchers who wish to communicate the results and theory of their field(s) of study to the public
- Graduate and postgraduate students
- Academic staff of all career levels
- Scientists not working in academia
The course will have multiple runs in 2020 and 2021.
Learning objectives and outcomes
Once completed, participants will be able to:
- Design small-scale public science communication events
- Reflect on the role of traditional and social media in the communication of science
- Improve your science communication activities by clearly identifying the target audiences, messages and stories
How to join the course
This course is available on FutureLearn :
Project lead
Alessandro Cicerale
Research fellow and Lecturer at the University of Torino, Italy.