Collaborate with other Innovators
Meet other innovators and collaborate!
Get on Hype! Join our Open Innovation Platform, Hype, and collaborate with other Innovators
Register here for HYPE, your one stop shop for ideation and matchmaking. Hype enable you to efficiently share, collect, recognize and idenfify ideas focused on relevant topics. Plus you can connect and build a consortium. Listen to the recording of the HYPE webinar here.
*NEW* Alternative Protein Showcase and Matchmaking
Join the "Alternative Proteins Showcase and Matchmaking" event and learn about the EIT Food Alternative Proteins projects, take part in the matchmaking and establish new connections!
EIT Food CLC North-East invites current Partners and organisations interested in joining the EIT Community to join us online for "Alternative Proteins Showcase and Matchmaking``
During the event, you will:
- learn about the EIT Food projects within the Alternative Proteins Focus Area.
- share your knowledge, thoughts and future projects ideas with the other experts.
- explore future collaboration options and matchmake for the EIT Food Innovation Call for Proposals 2022
10 December at 10 CET Showcase Event. Please register here for AP Showcase and Matchmaking on FoodHIVE
10 December at 12.30 CET Matchmaking. Please visit our Conversation Starter Matchmaking page and add your profile.
Make a Match! Join our Matchmaking event and find partners
Call for Proposal 2022 virtual Matchmaking gives you an opportunity to share possible project ideas and explore potential collaboration options. The Conversation Starter web application that we use for the event will suggest relevant meeting partners and participants can interact and plan meetings. This virtual Matchmaking is limited to 100 participants. Therefore, we encourage you to register today, create your profile on Conversation Starter and book 15 minute 1:1 meetings with other potential Call applicants in advance.
16 December 2021 10:00 to 16:00 Register Here
See slides from the first Matchmaking event here 25 November 2021, Pre-event 8:45-9:45