Building Student skills in micro-algae processing, component characterization and innovative product development
This project will train graduate students in 3 leading Universities in methods for processing, fractionation and characterization of algal components, with emphasis on proteins.
Rising global population leads to growing food shortage. Algae are a promising renewable source of nutrients, which is yet underutilized. This project will train graduate students in 3 leading Universities in methods for processing, fractionation and characterization of algal components, with emphasis on proteins. The students would then apply these knowledge and skills in tackling the challenge of developing innovative food products based on microalgae components, while working in teams under a competitive setup.
Timeline of the programme
This activity took place in 2018. In 2019 we will offer a new portfolio of education activities for Masters, PhD's, Professionals and the general public. These will be published soon on our website.
Learning objectives and outcomes
To tackle the globally rising food shortage, this program aims at providing food science & engineering graduate students with the required knowledge and skills to process, fractionate and characterize functional properties of algal components, mainly proteins. The students would then apply these knowledge and skills in tackling the challenge of developing innovative food products based on microalgae components, while working in teams under a competitive setup.