REGISTRATION CLOSED! we are now full
The aim of this online professional development course is to provide introductory training and theory in algal biology, culturing, growth and biotechnology under laboratory and small scale pilot facilities.
The course will also offer insights and examples from an industrial and entrepreneurial perspective, that can help the participants to found or improve their own algal-based business.
The workshop will run for two days hosted virtually by the University of Cambridge Algal Innovation Centre (AIC) UK, Fraunhofer IGB, Germany and Matís, Iceland
REGISTRATION CLOSED, we are now full
The aim of this 2020 online professional development course is to provide introductory training and theory in algal biology, culturing, growth and biotechnology under laboratory and small scale pilot facilities. The workshop will run for two days hosted virtually by the University of Cambridge Algal Innovation Centre (AIC) UK, Fraunhofer IGB, Germany and Matís Iceland.
Thursday 19th and Friday 20th November 2020 (course delivery timings will be given in Central European Time - CET and Greenwich Mean Time - GMT)
We are pleased to present this popular course for the third year. The format is similar to the 2018 and 2019 courses but due to Covid-19 restrictions we have redesigned the course so it is all once over a two-day course. We have carefully planned an exciting and engaging online course which includes a daily programme of lecture/seminars introducing the theory of techniques, SOPs best practice and live demonstration of equipment and facilities. The course will also offer insights and examples from an industrial and entrepreneurial perspective, that can help the participants to found or improve their own algal-based business.
The content will be delivered from our academic and industrial partners in the UK, Iceland and Germany throughout the two days online.
Learners will receive an optional workshop pack in the post that contains products, flyers and information related to the algal industry. The programme will provide an unrivalled opportunity for postgraduate, postdoctorate and industry researchers to be trained in algal biotechnology research and to network with others in the sector in our breakout and networking sessions. Please note that the course will not be recorded.
The course will be all via secure Zoom links with a mix of live and pre-recorded talks, quizzes, breakout room discussions and network sessions.
We look forward to seeing you all online for Algal Biotech 2020!
Thursday 19th and Friday 20th November 2020 (optional online network session Wednesday 18th evening)
online via zoom - in your own home or work! The personal link will be sent to you after registration
If you would like to register your interest in future courses please email
The registration steps are:
****REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED, WE ARE NOW FULL**** 1: Register your interest in attending the course via the EIT DREAM apply portal (you do not pay at this point). Please remember to add your reasons for wanting to attend the course and what you hope to get out of it: If you need a quote for invoicing us then please contact Alisa Kohnle ( AFTER you register for the course on DREAM apply.
2: We will then assess the application as soon as possible, if you are accepted you will receive instructions on how to pay the fee. If your application is rejected, we will inform you of the reasons why.
3: Closer to the date in November you will receive further information and instructions on how to join the course via your unique and secure course link
4: Delegates attending the whole course will receive a “certificate of attendance”.
The application fee is 50 euros, which is non-refundable. This includes the conference pack in the post (where possible), access to the meeting and network sessions.
If you need a quote for invoicing us then please contact Alisa Kohnle ( AFTER you register for the course on DREAM apply.
Please note that we are unable to provide free or subsidised places. The course is already highly subsidised by EIT Food. You may be able to find funding from your Univeristy, employer, societies or charities to help fund or reimburse your place.
Confirmed Speakers
Dr. Matthew Davey (Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge and Scottish Association for Marine Science, UK)
Dr Anne Jungblut (Natural History Museum, London, UK)
Dr Payam Mehrshahi (Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK)
Dr Ana Lucía Vásquez-Caicedo (Fraunhofer, Germany)
Dr. Ulrike Schmid-Staiger (Fraunhofer, Germany)
Dr. René Groben (Matís, Iceland)
Elísabet Eik Guðmundsdóttir (Matís, Iceland)
Prof. Michele Stanley (Scottish Association for Marine Science, UK)
Virtual tour and talk by algal company Algalíf, Iceland
Virtual tour and talk by algal company Vaxa, Iceland
Virtual tour and talk by algal company Algaecytes, UK
Virtual tour of the University of Cambridge Algal Innovation Centre (AIC)
Virtual tour of the Culture Collection for Algae and Protozoa (CCAP), UK
Virtual tour and talk by algal company Algenuity, Dr Andrew Spicer, UK
Talk by algal company Living Ink, algal pigments for the printing industry, Dr Scott Fulbright, USA
Please click on the "Download" button above to view the latest draft programme. Please note that the timings and content might alter. We will send out the final programme to delegates in early November once registration has closed on the 6th November 2020.