Overview of the first EIT Food Awareness Event in Ukraine
On November 24-26, 2020, a three-day online EIT Food Awareness Event was held by EIT Food and Technology Business Incubator Kharkiv Technologies. The goal of the event was to introduce the domestic agrifood community to EIT Food and its activities, especially to business creation opportunities available for agrifood startups.
The first day (November 24) was dedicated to the conference Ukrainian agrifood sector: prospects, innovations and European opportunities. The conference gathered important players from the national agrifood ecosystem, including policymakers, researchers, academia, startups, agricultural producers and associations. The idea of the conference was to give a wide look into the agrifood scene and innovations in this field in Ukraine as well as to introduce EIT Food opportunities. A number of topical issues such as Ukraine's place in the world agrifood market, clustering in agrifood business, innovative technologies for the production of healthy food were raised during the conference.
The second and third day of the event were designed as on-line workshops with early-stage Ukrainian startups, where they got the opportunity to learn how to turn their business ideas into a successful start-up project through theoretical lectures from qualified trainers along with practical work with mentors and successful entrepreneurs. In addition, they could learn about the EIT Food programs and opportunities for innovative agrifood entrepreneurs.
All materials of the conference are posted on the website: https://eit-food.kt.kharkov.ua/
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