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E-Seniors is a non-profit non-governmental organisation based in Paris and founded in 2005. It aims at fighting e-exclusion and promoting healthy and active ageing by offering ICT training to seniors. We are involved in the development of new products and services aiming to boost independent living and to maintain physical and mental health. In the framework of its activities, E-Seniors takes part in many European programmes such as Erasmus, H2020 and EIT.

Competences & Capabilities

  • ICT training
  • Promoting healthy and active ageing initiatives
  • Defining user requirements with seniors users
  • Co-creation sessions with seniors
  • Dissemination towards seniors
  • Pilot testing new products with seniors
  • Promoting dialogue between technicians and users
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EIT Food will be part of projects that address urban food challenges and include local governance
Consumer Engagement Labs are pre-competitive co-creation sessions carried out by a group of consumers (selected based on specific segmentation criteria) in a joint place and limited in time, focused on ideation and development of new…
Consumer Engagement Labs are pre-competitive co-creation sessions carried out by a group of consumers (selected based on specific segmentation criteria) in a joint place and limited in time, focused on ideation and development of new…
The “Food Alert” project – the first of its kind to systematically “stress test” the EU’s food system though an interactive, multi-stakeholder, two-day workshop – has published a detailed report on its methodology and substantive findings.
Recent developments in innovation, policy and consumer behaviour are shaping the future of protein diversification. Here we review the ongoing challenges faced by the sector and explore the solutions that are being scaled for success.
We send a warm welcome to our new partners who are now joining the EIT Food Community: 6 Core Partners, 4 Network Partners and 2 associate partners. Each of these organisations brings considerable expertise and experience to support our…