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Proof of Concepts Call 2022, 2023

Who are we looking for? 

Through this Open Call, we are looking for innovative public engagement project ideas with the potential for societal impact, to be tested in a Proof of Concept (PoC) phase. 

What is a Proof of Concept?

A Proof of Concept is a scoping exercise to test whether an idea, a certain concept or approach when turned into reality would bring societal impact as envisioned. Via this call, we offer an opportunity for individual organisations or small consortia to spend sufficient time on testing and demonstrating the relevance of the proposed approach for establishing the societal impact feasibility of the idea. The Proof of Concept phase can also be used to build a scale-up model for a multi-year project.  

Topics selected for the Proofs of Concepts should support EIT Food’s vision: a world where everyone can access and enjoy sustainable, safe, and healthy food – with trust and fairness from farm to fork. 

EIT Food is working towards these four Impact Goals: 

  • Improvement in conditions for enhanced public trust in the food system 
  • Better health outcomes from our diet 
  • Improved environmental impact of the Agrifood systems 
  • Enabling transitions to a circular and sustainable economy 

The Proof of Concepts project ideas should have an aim to:  

  • Equip individuals to make more informed choices (healthier/more sustainable)  
  • Increase transparency & engagement in the food system  
  • Include consumer involvement in shaping a future food system  


Submission form to this call

Watch the Webinar on the Call guidelines

You can watch here the recording of the Proof of Concepts Webinar that took place on October 4th.

Key dates

Submission Window 1

Launch/Opening Dates: 15.09.2022
Deadline:  15.11.2022 12:00 CET
Review Period: 15.11.2022 -15.01.2023

Submission Window 2 - Now Open - More information here

Launch/Opening Dates: 15.06.2023
Deadline:  15.08.2023 12:00 CET
Review Period: 15.08.2023 -15.10.2023

How to apply

To apply to the Call Public Engagement Proof of Concepts 23 you need to fill out each of the sections of the submission template that you find in this link. (For the PoC Call 24, visit this page)

Important Documents

Refer to these recommended resources to complete your proposal

Contact us

Can´t find the answer you need? Please contact us at and we will do our best to answer your questions.