Food4Health, a collaboration between EIT Health and EIT Food, was established to help bring innovations for healthy eating to the market.
A nutritionally balanced diet is integral to maintaining a healthy mind and body. Yet, making healthy food choices is not always as easy as it seems. Lifestyle-related diseases, such as obesity, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, are commonly caused by excess calorie intake and the consumption of foods high in salt, sugar and fat. What’s more, the prevalence of these diseases is on the rise, suggesting that there is a lack of awareness of the importance of food in overall health and wellbeing.
Our nutrition requirements also vary depending on our stage of life and our physical and/or emotional condition. With the right advice, food can also be used as a means to prevent or recover faster from illness. To take full advantage of this, however, requires further understanding of the role food can play in healthcare interventions.
Recognising that these issues are best addressed via a multisector approach, EIT Health and EIT Food have combined forces to build the Food4Health cross-KIC collaboration. Through their joint activities, the strengths and expertise of the partners of both KICs can be leveraged to make a greater impact in the area of food and health.
Food4Health is being launched in 2019, and the first year's main objective is to establish the foundation of collaboration between EIT Health and EIT Food. This will be achieved by:
- Stimulating the creation of new added-value products that connect food and health.
- Building two complementary business cases, in the area of Food for Health, that focus on:
- healthy citizen and daily nutrition habits;
- specific patient groups and the clinical impact of personalised nutrition approaches on health outcomes.
- Initiating two top-down innovation projects based on these business cases, where partners from both KICs will be invited to apply to participate in the project execution.
- Engaging the partners of both KICs in joint activities related to innovation, business creation, education and communication.
Food4Health Workshop
EIT Food and EIT Health Partners identify areas for cooperation at the Food4Health Workshop. Discover more here!