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Hub4Food launches in Galicia to improve the Atlantic food industry

EIT Food, together with 8 other partners, launches Hub4Food, a project funded by Interreg Atlantic Area to improve the food sector by fostering research, innovation, and connection between key stakeholders in the industry.

14 Mar 2024
EIT Food South

EIT Food joining Hub4Food, the new project to enrich the food system

On March 12th, the much-anticipated Hub4Food project, funded by Interreg Atlantic Area, was officially launched in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain. The kick-off event, spanning two days from March 12th to 13th, was hosted by Clusaga, and it was the meeting point of the 9 project partners:

  • AsociaciĂłn Nacional de Fabricantes de Conservas de Pescados y Mariscos - Centro TĂ©cnico Nacional de ConservaciĂłn de Productos de la Pesca (Galicia, ES)
  • EIT Food (Basque Country, ES)
  • InovCluster - Associação do Cluster Agroindustrial do Centro (Centro, PT)
  • Associação Centro de Apoio TecnolĂłgico Agro-Alimentar (Centro, PT)
  • Instituto PolitĂ©cnico de Leiria (Centro, PT)
  • Valorial (Bretagne, FR)
  • Institut Technique de DĂ©veloppement des Produits de la Mer (Bretagne, FR)
  • BIA Innovator Campus (Northern and Western, IE)
  • PRAXENS (Haute-Normandie, FR)
  • Teagasc - Agriculture and Food Development Authority (Southern, IE)

Driving food innovation, research, and development in Atlantic Regions

At the heart of Hub4Food lies a commitment to bring together individuals and organizations to drive innovation, research, and development within the food sector. The project's overarching goal is to establish a dynamic hub—a center for ideation—where agricultural and food groups, in conjunction with research institutions, can collaborate closely to address industry challenges and seize opportunities for growth.

Central to the project's strategy is the implementation of programs tailored to meet market demands. These initiatives will focus on testing and endorsing cutting-edge technologies that can revolutionize food production processes. Moreover, Hub4Food seeks to facilitate partnerships between research organizations and small businesses, providing them with the support needed to thrive in a competitive landscape. The project will also function as a tool to attract public attention and raise awareness of the agrifood sector through interactive and informative activities.

The event served as a pivotal opportunity for stakeholders to forge new connections and strengthen existing partnerships. Their shared vision will be the driven force for a more sustainable and innovative food system in the Atlantic Region.

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