Food4Health is a collaboration between EIT Health and EIT Food that was established to help bring innovations for healthy eating to the market. The two projects that were launched this year are:
- STOP MetSyn: Using indicators to influence consumer behaviour and prevent pre-disease through food and lifestyle-related interventions
- MuscleCancer: Tackling muscle loss in cancer patients through nutrition solutions and lifestyle interventions
These projects aim to address specific health challenges faced by both consumers and patients through the development of nutrition, exercise and lifestyle intervention programmes. The 14 tasks being conducted in 2019 will establish the basis for the intervention programmes that will be further developed and tested in 2020.
As of 23 October 2019, the 2nd call for Expressions of Interest is open to partners of EIT Food and EIT Health. More details regarding the work package descriptions, submission procedure and eligibility requirements and evaluation procedures can be found in the call documents on the respective intranets.
Application Deadline: 20 November 2019
Find out more under Calls on EIT Food Plaza or contact Yu-Mi Lee, the Project Leader of Food4Health.