Apply to RIS Government Executive Academy 2022
The Academy is an intensive MBA-type, an-executive-level, advisory and capability building program that offers insights into challenges related to food system innovations and regulations extended to work on an international team’s project.
It is also an opportunity to exchange best practices that will contribute to further improvements of Research & Innovation Smart Specialization Strategies (RIS3) and inspire the future development of operational programs based on the EU Structural and Investment Funds as well as networking opportunities for public sector representatives from different regions and countries.
During weekly sessions including mentoring through international team project work and final presentations in front of a panel of experts, the participants deepen their knowledge of agri-food innovations and sectoral regulation, developing their own unique projects, and helping address societal challenges across Europe through mission-based policies and Smart Specialization Strategies. The program ends with a team presentation in an open session to experts from the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT), EIT Food, EIT Food partners, and officials from Central, Southern and Eastern European countries via an online video conference on 29th November 2022 (to be confirmed).
A meaningful value of the GEA training program is the active participation of partners such as Bioazul, Danone, VTT, whose high-level representatives share knowledge and insights with participants. All professionals give a picture of the current state of knowledge and provide a particular point of view from both perspectives of commercial and scientific actors.
Join, to be part of a cohort including public sector representatives from countries of the EIT Regional Innovation Scheme, involved in the design, implementation and/or monitoring of Research & Innovation Smart Specialization Strategies (RIS3) related to the agri-food industry or in defining regulatory policies related to the agri-food industry.
Meet government executives, directors, managers, scientists, and other experts working in the agri-food industry, non-governmental sector, European institutions, and media.
More about the Academy: