Do you need help in testing your innovative solution for agriculture?
⏩ Apply to TestFarms and verify your solution with a farmer!
By enabling agricultural individuals and startups with farmers and testing land links, EIT Food helps:
innovative agritech innovators to validate and test their products and services,
to showcase their business to potential clients and investors,
to support the technological transformation in European agriculture.
This webinar will briefly overview the Test Farms program and how it can benefit your agritech innovation. Most importantly, this webinar is designed for you to ask questions. We want to hear from you and provide you with all the information you need to apply to Test Farms. Whether you have questions about the application process, eligibility criteria, or program expectations, our team will be ready to provide you with answers and insights!
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The consent to receive information about paid activities from EIT Food
I agree to receive to my e-mail information about paid activities from EIT Food (according to the details presented at In Your Area - EIT Food). I consent to the use of tools such as Mailchimp by the Controller, which may include the processing of my personal data outside the EEA, provided that such processing will meet GDPR criteria. I understand that I may opt-out at any time from receiving the information by sending an e-mail with a request to be removed from the EIT Food network to the following address: or unsubscribing from the newsletter.