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CLAN (Cluster Agrifood Nazionale)


Cluster CL.A.N. is an industry-led and multi-stakeholder association, consisting of over than 100 national key players of the agrifood chain (companies, R&I centers, Universities, local administrations, associations). Cluster’s mission is to increase the competitiveness of the agrifood supply chain by fostering innovation and through the enhancement of the results of research and the collaboration between research bodies, enterprises and public administration.

Competences & Capabilities

Cluster CL.A.N. excels in the following activities:

  • aggregation and coordination of food stakeholders
  • integration between regional, national and EU policies on R&I
  • advisory to policy makers to identify priority investment lines for industrial food research
  • establishment of ad hoc partnerships for the development of industrial research projects
  • dissemination
  • internationalization of food research and innovation
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