British Nutrition Foundation
BNF's vision is of everyone being able to access healthy, sustainable diets and our role in this is the translation of evidence-based nutrition science in engaging and actionable ways for a range of stakeholders. While much of BNF's work is in the UK, we have a strong track record of engaging in European work, including a network of European Nutrition Foundations and a number of EC funded projects, as well as work related international nutrition issues.
Competences & Capabilities
Competencies: Nutrition science, including diet-disease relationships, nutrition and health at different lifestages, sustainable diets and regulatory issues
Education on nutrition and food, see for full details
Communication and dissemiation including media relations, social media, web communications and events (online and face to face)
Food industry engagement, - BNF has approx 50 corporate members including major retailers and manufacturers
Education: BNF staff includes qualified teachers and our programme, Food a fact of life, has been delivering education on healthy eating, cooking and where food comes from for over 20 years. Resources are adapted for each of the devolved UK nations and our education work as has also been delivered across Europe via EC funded projects and the European Food Framework. BNF runs an annual Healthy Eating Week in the UK with a series of challenges and free resources for schools, nurseries, universities and workplaces, celebrating and promoting healthy lifestyles. We also offer a range of educational resources on our main website.
Innovation: We work with organisations across the food chain to engage with innovative work on healthy and sustainable diets (for example the UK National Food Strategy) and provide support for the food industry their work to improve the healthiness of the food chain.
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