Social Media Campaign - Zero Plastic Hero
The Zero Plastic Hero campaign was organised on Facebook over the course of a month to inform and inspire consumers about plastic waste. We shared tips on reducing plastic waste, introduced consumers to sustainable products and collaborated with ambassadors that are experts on the topic.
Our Facebook page is our public platform that reconnects people with the origins of their food. It is the place to share the latest information on food trends and to inspire people to eat more healthy and sustainable.
We launched our plastic-free campaign to inspire people to think about their plastic waste and the impact on both themselves as well as the environment. Throughout the campaign, we shared practical tips on how to reduce your plastic waste as well as what types of alternatives are available to use.
We collaborated with ambassadors, vegGo in France and Le Castel de Bois Genoud in Switzerland, to share practical examples and personal stories as well as tips. Our goal was to inspire, engage and inform people, so they would feel empowered to take action on becoming ‘food plastic-free’.
The campaign persona was our goat Matilda, who dreams of fresh juicy grass but wherever she goes, she only finds plastic to nibble on. We chose Matilda as our ambassador because not only humans but also animals and nature are affected by single-use plastics. We use them in almost every area of our life, as a consequence, they fill our landfills, oceans, drink water reserves and nature areas. Not only animals end up eating plastic, it also ends up in our bodies where it affects our health. Slowly but steadily, plastic is contaminating and affecting our entire ecosystem.
Through this campaign, we want to empower and inspire people to reflect and take action to alter their own habits. Change is possible and starts with small steps. We encourage that with examples of how to make a positive change in our daily lives.