South Foresight Analysis
This analysis aims to help to envision foresight scenarios that allow key stakeholders (South EU industry players, startups, research centers and universities) to better understand the post COVID-19 world, in order to develop strategies that shape and influence the future itself, thereby reinforcing the strength of the agrifood sector in the countries that participate in the project: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Malta and Cyprus.
It is fundamental to understand the challenges and paradigm shifts that the agrifood sector will experience. In our opinion, here are some of these challenges (and opportunities):
- Consumer habits and behaviors will change in the short-medium term, and potentially some will be integrated on a normal basis.
- Value chain and supply networks: the capacity to operate with a stable providers network.
- Research, Innovation and Technology.
We have worked with a multiple approach to gather those ‘future signals and trends’ that allow to understand the new reality envision scenarios:
- Desk research, editorial & advisory board, and expert interviews for a first deep dive phase
- Analyzing the data in order to generate insights and conclusions at a country level on a sense making and scenario building phase
- Communicating the results so stakeholders can understand the scenarios, generate debate and awareness, and take the right steps at a country and regional level.
What are the future scenarios for the South region?