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Results of EIT Food Consumer Engagement Labs selection process, call 2020-2

EIT Food has announced that 4 consortia of scientific organisations and food companies have been selected for the EIT Food RIS Consumer Engagement Labs activity.

14 Sep 2020
EIT Food North & East


EIT Food has announced that 4 consortia of scientific organisations and food companies have been selected for the EIT Food RIS Consumer Engagement Labs activity. Altogether 9 applications were received from 5 eligible countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Romania and Slovenia). The applications were evaluated by experts from CLC North-East and University of Warsaw and ranked to select the best applicants based on the criteria defined in the call for applications from July the 28th, 2020 (see the call announcement HERE).

The local consortia will work as subcontractors of EIT Food, liaising with University of Warsaw as the project leader to implement online co-creation workshops with elderly consumers in their respective countries and to develop innovative food products proposed by consumers. The selected organisations are as follows:

Consortium from Bulgaria
University of Food Technologies, Plovdiv (team led by Prof. Dinkova)
Venets.T Ltd., Pleven

Consortium from Czechia
University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (team led by Prof. Hajslova)
BIOCEN Laboratories s.r.o., Prague

Consortium from Romania
Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Business (team led by Prof. Petrescu), Cluj-Napoca
Agronomia Agro Food Innovation SRL, Cluj-Napoca

Consortium from Slovenia
University of Ljubljana (team led by Prof. Kuhar)
BEVO, biotehnološke rešitve, d.o.o., Kamnik

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