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Nutrition Trend Report 2025 – In Collaboration with Nutrition Hub

Germany focused

The Nutrition Trend Report 2025 has recently been published by Nutrition Hub, in collaboration with EIT Food which was one of the key providers for the study. Alongside other organisations such as the Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE), the Dr. Rainer Wild Foundation and the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) Heilbronn, the report explores how the way we eat is changing.

29 Jan 2025
EIT Food West

The new trend report explores key food trends in 2025 and evaluates how and why they are trending. Nutrition is no longer simply just food take, but instead is becoming an expression of identify, responsibility and consciousness of how we are shaping the future in terms of sustainability. The report, for which 199 nutrition experts were surveyed, shows new developments and transformations surrounding food. People are now more health conscious, combining health, sustainability and personal values into one when it comes down to their food choices.

Nutritional transformation has not gone unnoticed, and this is due to different drivers that influence food trends. From artificial intelligence supporting the development of personalised nutrition plans and products, to social media platforms providing inspiration and knowledge sharing, there are multiple factors that have an effect on people's choices.

However, not only there are positive factors of this influence, but, unfortunately, difficult topics such as food poverty are coming into focus as well. The lack of accessibility to healthy and nutritious food, due to rising food prices and economic uncertainties, are forcing more people to compromise on the quality of their diets.

  1. Plant-based and flexitarian diet – 82% of the experts from the report perceive the trend as in continuous rise. The health benefits associated with a plant-based diet seem to be equally as important as the role of sustainability when it comes to people picking what to put on their plate. Community catering is adapting to the new lifestyle of many.
  2. Personalised nutrition – 69% of the experts surveyed predict further developments within this area. Now, people´s interest when making food choices goes further than “Is it healthy?” and depends on personal needs, lifestyle, and values too.
  3. Sustainable and climate-friendly nutrition – 64% of the experts surveyed agreed that sustainable and climate-friendly nutrition deserves the 3rd place among the 2025 trends. Personal health goals are starting to be seen as naturally linked with environmental awareness to soothe people from a guilty conscience and lead them towards active self-care.
  4. Functional nutrition – A healthy lifespan through conscious nutrition and lifestyle choices are at the forefront of many people's lives. Though functional foods and dietary supplements continue to grow, the experts surveyed also point out that they are usually unnecessary.
  5. Nutrition for the gut - 59 % of the experts surveyed see intestinal health as a growing dietary trend. The intestine is increasingly perceived as the central control point for our overall well-being and therefore the connections between the microbiome, physical and mental health are coming into focus.
  6. Blood-sugar friendly diet – Many people are adapting to a blood-sugar friendly diet, and this factor is becoming the focus of their food decisions. 51% of the experts surveyed see this trend on the rise. Thes developments go hand in hand with technological innovations such as glucose monitoring devices.
  7. Alcohol-free diet – Non-alcoholic beverages are becoming a growing trend and being taken further than “Dry January”. People are ditching the hangovers and putting their health first by more non-alcoholic drink alternatives being offered in bars and stores.
  8. Terrapy – 44% of the experts expect a further strengthening of the "Terrapy" trend, i.e. the return to do-it-yourself and keep it natural. A holistic view of nutrition, considering the human body and the planet in equal measure, is developing. People are becoming more interested in cooking, baking and fermenting techniques as a statement of being conscious for their health and sustainability.
  9. Snacking – Snacking is an easy thing to do, especially when people lead busy day-to-day lives. There is a mixed view on snacking as 34% of nutrition professionals believe that the trend is becoming increasingly important whereas 28% of content creators expect a decline. The key is to find a balance between convenience and quality, and for more development of suitable choices for those that live hectic lives.
  10. Mindfulness and education – According to 30% of the experts surveyed, this trend will continue to grow. Mindfulness is closely linked to nutrition education and therefore people are tending to go further than “what” they are eating and instead examine “how” they are consuming. People will listen to their body signals and appreciate food in a different way.

The conclusion from the Nutrition Trend Report 2025 is that more people are ready for change. In a world that is always evolving, nutrition is an opportunity for one to care about their health, environmental protection and make the most out of their own lives.

This Nutrition Trend Report 2025 has been featured in multiple publications across Germany and has proven to be a real success so far.

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