Join the Movement for a Sustainable and Inclusive Future: Apply for Connect NEB and Co-create NEB!
In an ever-changing world, the demand for sustainable and inclusive solutions has never been more pressing. EIT Food, in collaboration with Climate KIC, EIT Digital, EIT Manufacturing, and EIT Urban Mobility, recognizes this urgency and is actively dedicated to shaping a brighter future within the framework of the New European Bauhaus (NEB). The NEB's mission is to collaboratively create sustainable, inclusive, and enriching transformations alongside citizens.
Currently, two opportunities are open for application. The first one, Connect NEB, focuses on community-based initiatives created by citizens. The second one, Co-create NEB, involves working with citizens and cities to develop long-term solutions. Mark your calendars as the deadlines for application submission approach: September 29, 2023, for Connect NEB and October 16, 2023, for Co-create NEB.
Connect NEB: Empowering Citizens for Sustainable Change
Are you passionate about addressing challenges faced by European cities, peri-urban, and rural areas? The Connect NEB initiative is your platform to activate citizen-generated solutions and initiatives that foster knowledge exchange while promoting sustainability, enhanced experiences, and inclusivity.
Funding Allocation by EIT Community
EIT Community is here to support your vision, offering an 80% funding rate, with grants of up to EUR 15,000 for each project. The remaining 20% will be co-funded by the applicant.
Supported Projects
To qualify for funding, your project should demonstrate co-design and co-stewardship of public spaces, as well as social activation and educational activities. These should align with at least one of the NEB Challenges rooted in the New European Bauhaus's four thematic axes:
🌱 Reconnecting with nature
👐Regaining a sense of belonging
🏘 Prioritizing the places and people most in need
♻️Incorporating long-term, life-cycle thinking in the industrial ecosystem
Expected Outcomes
Projects should align with at least one of the following expected outcome targets:
A. Activate citizen-generated solutions and initiatives to advance sustainability, beauty, and inclusivity in harmony with local strategies.
B. Collect and prioritize the most pressing challenges from citizens and end-users, empowering them to co-design well-founded solutions that cater to broader community needs.
C. Strengthen transdisciplinary, intergenerational, and intersectoral collaboration by engaging diverse stakeholder groups through citizen-focused activities, in line with the NEB initiative and local strategies.
Ready to be part of the eight selected initiatives that will drive change in your community? Submit your application before September 29, 2023, 17:00 CET!
Co-create NEB: Transforming Cities with Innovative Solutions
The Co-create NEB initiative is your chance to demonstrate how new solutions can drive urban transformation by connecting individuals and communities with nature, addressing the specific needs of territories and communities, and fostering the development of materials and products with circular life cycles.
Funding Allocation by EIT Community
EIT is here to support your innovative endeavors with a 75% funding rate, offering up to €45,000 for each project. The remaining 25% will be co-funded by the applicant.
Supported Activities
Our grant will support projects that involve the creation of products and services, including rapid prototypes, or the co-design of public spaces and commons. These should align with at least one of the NEB Challenges based on the New European Bauhaus's four thematic axes:
🌱 Reconnecting with nature
👐Regaining a sense of belonging
🏘 Prioritizing the places and people most in need
♻️Incorporating long-term, life-cycle thinking in the industrial ecosystem
Expected Outcomes
All proposals should focus on co-creating beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive public spaces that align with the NEB's vision. In terms of public realm development strategy, projects should strive for at least one of the following expected outcome targets:
A. Enhance the quality of a designated public space by implementing the NEB approach, with a clear explanation of how the project contributes to the selected NEB challenge.
B. Improve public space quality while complementing local policies and strategies through NEB implementation, with a clear plan and evidence of NEB integration.
Ready to be part of the eight selected initiatives that will drive change in your city? Submit your application before October 16, 2023, 17:00 CET!
Join EIT Community in shaping a sustainable and inclusive future through the New European Bauhaus initiative. Your ideas and initiatives can make a significant impact!