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Empowering Growth: Women in AgriTech by the British Embassy in Warsaw

We need multidisciplinary collaboration to introduce breakthrough changes in the agrifood sector and science is the foundation of its development. Women play a crucial role in transforming rural areas into more sustainable ones and they should be supported in this endeavours.

26 Jan 2024

These are the main conclusions from the Women in AgriTech event, hosted by the British Embassy in Warsaw on January 23, 2024. The conference brought together scientists, experts and farmers from the UK, Ukraine, and Poland. The guests engaged in discussions exploring the essential role of women in rural areas, the progress towards sustainable agriculture, the incorporation of innovation and technology in farming, as well as the influence of EU policies on the agri-food sector.

The attendees participated in three roundtable discussions focused on sustainable agriculture, innovations and technologies, and agricultural policies, that were moderated by excellent experts in the agricultural sector Małgorzata Bojańczyk, Sławomir Kalinowski and Hubert Bukowski. Special attention should be paid to outstanding presentations delivered by Monika Roszak, founder of the ROLL-na Foundation, and Magdalena Kowalska-Wiśniewska, Trępnowa Village Mayor, who shared their experience as local leaders acting at empowering women in the countryside.

Alumni of the EWA 2023 programme, including Lidia Moroń-Morawska from Poland, Yuliia Yutovets and Mariia Bubnova from Ukraine, took part in the discussions contributing to the dynamic exchange of knowledge and experiences among event attendees.

The event showcased the importance of fostering connections and collaboration in the agri-food sector. A meaningful aspect of the event was the realization of the challenges faced by the agrifood sector in Ukraine due to the ongoing war. The participants discussed the difficulties associated with the situation and shared insights into how they are working to address these challenges.

The discussions held during the conference shows a commitment to making positive changes in agriculture for a better and more sustainable future. The event provided an unique opportunity for attendees to gather valuable insights from accomplished experts and entrepreneurs from the UK, Poland, and Ukraine. Their shared experiences, best practices, and perspectives on the future of agriculture in Europe were invaluable. Furthermore, the conference highlighted the critical demand for a significant transformation in food systems, emphasizing the crucial roles of policymakers, businesses, scientific endeavours, and active community involvement in driving this essential change.

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