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Connecting Food helps brands regain consumer trust, bringing total transparency to their food-chains.

Our   way   to   go   is   to   use   existing   data   at   every   level  of  the  food  chain  to  track  real  time  100%  of  the  production,  from  farm  to  fork.  We  then  apply  LiveAudit,  our  digital  auditing  module  that  verifies  if  each product is truly compliant with its requirements.

In  the  end,  consumers  can  scan  a  QR  code  and  check  by  themselves  the  product’s  journey,  and  its  compliance.

Competences & Capabilities

  • Food   expertise:   our   transparency   solution   is   designed  for  the  food  industry.  We  have  strong  agrifood   orientation,   and   most   people   in   our   team are experienced in food (production, manufacturing or distribution).
  • Tech  expertise:  with  tech  leaders  coming  from  best-in-class like IBM, and teammates from top-notch tech schools like Ecole 42, our solution has been  built  from  the  very  beginning  to  be  solid  &  scalable.
  • Digital audit: our LiveAudit Module is unique.
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