Positive Developments in the EIT Food Healthy Ageing Think & Do Tank
The EIT Food Healthy Ageing Think & Do Tank (HAT&DT) has made significant milestones with the formation of its steering committee, led by President Annemarie Oosting (Cargill), to drive innovation in food and nutrition strategies that support healthy ageing.
The HAT&DT has recently achieved significant milestones, including the establishment of its Steering Committee, an essential step in advancing its mission. The committee is led by President Annemarie Oosting (Cargill), and supported by Vice Presidents Carsten Carlberg (Polish Academy of Sciences), Irini Giziaki (Danone), and Prof. Luca Cocolin (Università degli Studi di Torino).
Together, they oversee key working groups focused on dietary strategies for preventing age-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs), targeted approaches for healthy ageing, and harnessing microbiome health to promote overall well-being.
With the support of 21 strategic and delivery partners across Europe, the HAT&DT is building evidence-based roadmaps and actionable recommendations to drive innovation in food and nutrition, improving the quality of life for ageing populations.
This cross-sector collaboration is key to delivering impactful outcomes for healthier ageing.
At the recent EIT Food Next Bite conference, EIT Food HAT&DT was featured in the “Empowering Healthy Ageing through Food and Nutrition” roundtable.
Matteo Cesari (WHO) presented the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing, ollowed by Annemarie Oosting's introduction to the Think & Do Tank’s mission and priority areas for driving change. Tiphaine Vanhaecke (Danone) led a dynamic Q&A session, encouraging further reflection and dialogue on the topics presented.
The event also welcomed new partners, including Delta Foods SA, Salus Optima, and Carbery Group, strengthening the initiative’s commitment to advancing healthy ageing across Europe.
Together, the EIT Food HAT&DT continues to make significant progress towards fostering healthier, longer lives through food and nutrition!