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Thu, May 16, 2024
until Thu, May 16, 2024

JOIN & CONNECT Slovenia: The 1st EIT Food Alumni Event in Slovenia!

🌱🇸🇮 Za vse navdušence nad agroživilsko industrijo Slovenije: ne zamudite priložnosti, da se povežete s podobno mislečimi na prvem slovenskem virtualnem srečanju EIT Food Alumni! Spoznajte delovanje EIT Food Hub-a v Sloveniji, naše člane in se povežite z nami, tudi če alumni (še) niste! 😄


👥 Na dogodku se bodo predstavili:

- EIT Food Hub s predstavitvijo aktivnosti v letu 2024

- mag. Vesna Alič, ki bo delila svoje znanje o financiranju v kmetijstvu in živilstvu.

- Mirna Germšek, ki bo predstavila delovanje EIT Food Alumni programa in možnosti medsebojnega povezovanja.


💬💡 Ne zamudite priložnosti za povezovanje, izmenjavo idej ter razširjanje svoje mreže v agroživilski industriji!


 Kdaj? Četrtek, 16 maj 2024, 16:00 CET

🔗 Kje? Online, MS Teams

Veselimo se srečanja z vami! 🍎

P.S The event is in Slovenian. If you still want to join, you can! 🔗


🌱 For all agri-food enthusiasts in Slovenia: don't miss the opportunity to connect with like-minded people at the first Slovenian virtual EIT Food Alumni meeting! Get to know how the EIT Food Hub works in Slovenia, our members and connect with us, even if you are not an alumni (yet)! 😄

👥The following speakers will be presenting at the event:

- EIT Food Hub with a presentation of activities in 2024
- M.Sc. Vesna Alič, who will share her knowledge on financing in agriculture and food.
- Mirna Germšek, who will present the activities of the EIT Food Alumni Programme and networking opportunities in Slovenia.

💬💡Don't miss the opportunity to network, exchange ideas and expand your network in the agri-food industry!
 When? Thursday, 16 May 2024, 16:00 CET
🔗Where? Online, MS Teams

We look forward to meeting you! 🍎

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