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EIT Food organises and participates in events across the whole of Europe. You can find us at one of the following events.

Join us in exploring the transformative potential of AI in reshaping food systems! The EIT Community on AI, the initiative...
Zapraszamy na spotkanie informacyjne poświęcone ofercie EIT dla firm, w tym startupów. W czasie webinaru opowiemy o programach EIT KICs...
Is your Agrifood or FoodTech business ready to transform? The EIT Food RisingFoodStars Drop-In Webinars are designed for innovative agrifood tech...
Unlocking the Success of AgriFood Innovations: How EIT Food Seedbed Supports Researchers and Innovators with Customer Discovery and Market Validation Are...
EIT Food West at Sustainable Foods London 2024Join us in London on January 28-29 at Sustainable Foods London! Aims and Objectives of Sustainable Foods Accelerate the adoption of sustainable...
How the EIT Food Seedbed Incubator Empowers Technology Transfer Offices Did you miss our last webinar? Here’s another opportunity to discover how...

All events from the EIT Food community

Learn more about our community
  • Organised by or with EIT Food
  • Speaker or booth by EIT Food
  • Partner event
  • EIT Food Project event

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