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Education Programme

What is better than teaching younger people the importance of healthy eating habits and zero waste in a place where they learn every day? New call open for Primary School!

Teaching younger people the importance of healthy eating habits and zero waste

An education programme aimed to foster healthy eating habits and zero waste among children. Children between 6 and 12 years old discover the importance of a balanced diet and zero waste by involving themselves in original and interactive initiatives. Creativity and coworking are their superpowers to save their world from bad habits and food waste!

What do we want to achieve?

  • Create awareness about the importance of healthy food
  • Rise consciousness about food waste
  • Give recognition and promote healthy and diverse gastronomy
  • Foster creativity and coworking

How will children learn about healthy eating habits and zero waste?

Los Salvacomidas are great believers in game-based learning, as it motivates critical thinking and creativity.

Many resources have been made to foster gamification, such as mini-games, worksheets and joyful school project. Besides, resources are available in 5 languages!

Choose your fighter in English, Spanish, Basque, Catalan, and Galician!