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Request for proposals: EIT Community Officer of the EIT Community RIS Hub in Lithuania

EIT Food North & East
Deadline: 22 December 2024

By the present procurement procedure, EIT Food is aiming to identify an individual or entity available to deliver services as EIT Community Officer (ECO) to the EIT Community RIS Hub in Lithuania.

The role of the ECO is to run and coordinate the EIT Community RIS Hub as part of a project initiated by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). This is a one stage procedure and within the recent Request for proposals eligibility check and professional capacity evaluation of candidates will be followed by the interviews with shortlisted candidates to select the successful tenderer.

The EIT Community Officer (ECO) is appointed to represent and coordinate the activities of the EIT Community RIS Hubs at a national level. The EIT Community RIS Hubs (EIT CRH) refer to the network of hubs established across Europe under the EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS), aiming to foster innovation and entrepreneurship by linking local innovation actors with the broader EIT ecosystem. ECOs are responsible for tasks as outlined in detail in the 'EIT RIS HUBS Minimum Standards and Guiding Principles' document, specifically in the “List of Tasks and Responsibilities of the EIT Community Officer” (formerly referred to also as a National Secretary of the EIT Community RIS Hub). Among their key duties are facilitating communication, organising events, consolidating data, and ensuring adherence to EIT standards and principles without exerting hierarchical control over RIS Hub entities.

The support that is required and requested should cover the areas and tasks listed below. All tasks will be in full coordination with the EIT Food (as Contracting Authority) and the EIT Community RIS Steering Committee to ensure strategic fit and alignment of the selected Contractor, activities, timing, and execution.

The EIT Community Officer will act independently of any EIT Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), and at the same time will represent all the EIT KICs to ensure impartiality and avoid conflict of interests.

The support that is required covers the following operational areas:

Internal communication and coordination (ECO, RIS Hub Community members and EIT KIC offices)

  • Develop a good understanding of the EIT model and keep up to date with the KICs activities.
  • Form good working relations with all EIT Community RIS Hub Community members, and other EIT KIC offices present in the same ecosystem both nationally and regionally.
  • In consultation with the EIT Community RIS Hub Community members, and other EIT KIC offices present in the same ecosystem, establish a smooth and efficient working method which limits the administrative burden on the EIT Community RIS Hub Community members, and other EIT KIC offices, while supporting their minimum functions.
  • Design an appropriate work method and necessary tools for information sharing / coordination to facilitate continuous information exchange between the Hub Community members, EIT RIS Hubs and other EIT KIC offices present in the same ecosystem both nationally and regionally.
  • Keep an up-to-date record of all entities which are members of the EIT CRH (MoU signatories) and involve them in the coordination of the EIT CRH as set out in the EIT CRH governance MoU.

Physical space

  • Set up and maintain a physical space in the location accepted by the EIT Community Strategic Regional Innovation Cluster and the EIT, where local stakeholders can physically, walk-in to obtain information on, as well as gain access to the EIT Community, while additionally, aiding with the EIT’s on-the-ground visibility and branding.

Communication and dissemination

  • Serve as a centralised contact gateway for local stakeholders to the EIT Community as a whole and refer stakeholders to contact persons within other relevant EIT KICs, best suited to support their needs.
  • Collect information to share through applicable channels related the EIT KICs’ activities, events, results, and opportunities of interest to local stakeholders with a view to their dissemination internally and externally.
  • Coordinate and support the EIT RIS Hubs local joint communication efforts, including by: managing and updating the EIT Community RIS Hub website, in English and in the local language, with information on EIT Community activities and opportunities, including dedicated sections targeted towards specific stakeholders, including, students, start-ups, national authorities and so on; facilitating the organisation of EIT Community awareness-raising events, including possible open days within the context of INNOVEIT (the EIT’s annual innovation forum), and coordinating and supporting the participation of EIT Community representatives in relevant national events.

Financial sustainability

  • Coordinate the collection of local funding opportunities and relevant key national events and bring these to the attention to the local Hub Community Members, EIT RIS Hubs and other EIT KIC Offices.
  • Scout for and recommend to the EIT KICs opportunities to implement joint projects financed through other EU / national / regional funds including the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) and Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III);
  • Contribute to, support and where appropriate, with the agreements of the EIT KICs, lead any horizontal exploratory efforts towards securing co-funding opportunities, including securing meetings with relevant national / regional authorities and facilitate the preparation for the submission of joint proposals for national / regional funding in case of general Cross-KIC actions.

Stakeholder engagement

  • To the greatest extent possible, ensure a coordinated approach amongst the EIT KICs’ RIS Hubs towards national authorities including relevant NCPs and Managing Authorities.
  • Identify the need for and facilitating the implementation of shared services for Hub Members with a view to improve efficiency.
  • Suggest and support, including, where appropriate and with the agreement of the EIT KICs, lead, the implementation of possible joint activities amongst the EIT KICs, to be implemented nationally and / or regionally, aligned with relevant RIS3 priorities.

Local intelligence gathering

  • At the request of the EIT KICs, support any necessary updating of the local Country-specific roadmap and support its implementation, as appropriate.
  • Upon request, provide support, additional to that already offered by the EIT RIS Hubs, to the EIT and the EIT KICs with navigating the local innovation landscape, including by contributing to the development of EIT maps / ecosystem mapping.

Other tasks

  • Any other tasks mandated by the EIT Management which, in principle, supports the EIT RIS Hubs to contribute to the achievement of the EIT’s Objectives and implementation of its Strategy and Annual Work Programmes.

Alongside the below elaborated key operational areas, the EIT Community Officer is responsible for deploying the governance Memorandum of Understanding between the EIT Community RIS Hubs members, which will regulate their roles and responsibilities, coordination instruments, code of conduct and conflict resolution policy. A standard MoU template will be facilitated by the Cross-KIC Strategic Regional Innovations Cluster.

All details available in the attached guidelines.

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